



Sero ✿


Wouldn’t it be great if we could see tangible progress everytime we took care of ourselves?

Sero is an app that does just that. Users are given a plant to tend to, and each act of self-care the users performs the plant grows.


For my final BrainStation User Experience project I I presented a project centered around self-care through the utilization of plants as the focal point.

User discovery

Through the user interviews I conducted, participants struggled with the following areas:


Based on my interviews I created two personas:

How can Sero help The Disorderly?

  • Space out routines over longer period of time

  • Track what tasks are popular.

  • Flag routine-aversed users in the onboarding process.

  • Provide more award based incentives.

  • Positive push notifications.

How can Sero help The Collaborator?

  • Flag preference for a more rigid schedule in the onboarding process.

  • Option to collaborate with friend.

  • Schedule over a shorter period of time.

  • Award based incentives when user collaborates with friend.


Information Architecture

Based on my research I constructed how the app would be laid out:


Task Flows

User Story: As a user, I want to be sign up and make my own personal plant.
Task: Create an account and receive a personalized plant.

User Story: As a user, I want to share my routine with a friend.
Task: Share routine with friend.

User Story: As a user, I struggle with sticking to routines so I want the app to provide more incentive when I check in.
Task: Logging in and checking off part of routine.

Character sketch

Sero brand identity

Initial screens sketch

Final screens